Wolf Creek Bear Snare Cage & Cable

Item#: WCT133-132

Price: $49.99

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Wolf Creek Bear Snare Cage & Cable

Bear Snare Cage galvanized carbon steel activator.

Use with Bear Trap Cable.  

Since we already had trap sights pre-picked we just have to set the trap. Sounds easy enough. By law the trap has to be flush with the ground, so you have to dig a hole. In our case the hole is about 8 inches in diameter and 16 to 18 inches deep. You also need dig a trench for the snare cable that goes to a tree. We tied our cable to a 5 or 6 inch live tree. Make sure your tree will hold a bear. With the trap in the hole, at or slightly below ground level, you have to pack rocks and soil around the trap so it is tight and stabilized. The trap can't rock up and down. You want no moment at all. The snare is spring fired, so you don't want a bear playing with it, much like a coon will do at a pocket set if you don't bury the chain. Lay large leaves in the channel the full length of the channel, and set your snare and fasten it to your tree laying it on the leaves in the trench. Lay more large leaves over your cable, and finish by covering with dirt, so it blends in. The reason for the leaves on the top and bottom is to keep debris from getting in the spring and possibly making it not fire. I believe it would take a lot of debris to do this but you might as well be safe than sorry.

OK, the trap is in the hole, stabilized, rock solid and tight. Cable and chain are buried and blended. Now it’s time to bait. Use day old pasties or old granola or some other commercially available sweet bait. On the trap fill it to the top and a little more. If you have a cup or two on top the trap that's fine. Now you can add a little of your favorite bear lure on it. If you're putting it on the bait make sure it is an edible lure. You don't want to turn the bear off with synthetic inedible bait.


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