Model #4
Sleepy Creek Model 4 Trap Setter 330 and 4-1/2 & 5 Long Springs - Model #4 Setter Instructions Maximum #1000 Body Grip (330) Maximum #4-1/2 & #5 Long Spring (4-1/2 NH) This lightweight, no-rust Trap Setter weighs 24 ounces. For SAFETY, .please follow these directions. Two U-Clips are furnished. The smaller for the SCM #2, #3 & #4 long spring traps and the larger for the SCM #4-1/2 long spring trap. The U-Clip must have pinched in legs. If these legs are bent other than shown, DO NOT USE. Either re-bend or purchase another. Install with the open end toward you and fully on the spring. Should the clip fly off, it will travel away from rather than toward you.