Ghost Rider Coyote Snares made from 84" 3/32 7x7 cable.
They have a rugged reuseable Blackdog Mini-camlock, a poly support collar designed to fit #9 or #11 support wire and a Heavy Duty DakotaLine 9 Gauge end swivel. They come with a tiny "floating" deer stop. If your state requires deer stops hammer it into place. If not, let it float. All DakotaLine snares are loaded for speed. We dye these snares with our Dakotaline Earth Tone Black Trap & Snare Dip, so they will blend into the night. This means fewer refusals. One dozen Coyote Snares made from 84" of 3/32 cable. They have a rugged reuseable Blackdog Mini-camlock, a poly support collar designed to fit #9 or #11 support wire and a Heavy Duty DakotaLine 9 Gauge end swivel. They come with a tiny "floating" deer stop. If your state requires deer stops hammer it into place. If not, let it float. All DakotaLine snares are loaded for speed. What is loading? We put tension in the loop making the loop rounder and causing it to close quickly when the critter goes through it. Loading makes a huge difference in snaring percentages. We dye these snares with our Dakotaline Earth Tone Black Trap & Snare Dip, so they will blend into the night. This means fewer refusals. Limited supply left in stock.