Dynamite Bobcat Trapping and Snaring Book by T. Krause #DBTS13

Dynamite Bobcat Trapping and Snaring Book by T. Krause

Item#: DBTS13

Price: $20.00

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Copyright 2004
If you trap cats or want to trap cats, this book can help you catch more! Tom Krause has been stretching bobcats for many years. What he can give you is the benefit of a lot of miles, experience, observations, and creative and innovative technology using traps, snares, and even cage traps. You will find lots of great photos, details, and hard-earned skills found in no other book or video. If your competition has this info and you don’t, sorry; you lose. For the price of a half tank of gas, some trappers will make thousands more this fall; it might as well be you! 72 pages.
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