Furry Critters: North American Fur Bearers by Bryna Jaqua (Book)
Written and Illustrated by Bryna Jaqua of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (UP). Published by PcsOutdoors.com.
This beautifully illustrated Board Book is wonderful for all of Today's Youth. It contains swatches of real fur on every animal picture so the child can "pet the animals" while they learn about where they live, eat, and play. A Book like no other book within the fur industry!
This book covers a wide variety of North American Fur Bearers. See where the Red Fox Hunts, Plays and Lives. Feel the soft fur of a North American River Otter. Teach your Children or Grandchildren the habitat and habits of the Coyote. The book also features; Skunk, Beaver, Badger, and Raccoon. The Touch and Feel Format of the book is sure to keep children engrossed with the book over and over.
Pcs Outdoors is a strong believer in teaching our youth about the traditions of our heritages and passions of trapping, along with respecting our land and natural resources. This book would make a great gift while teaching respect for our land and natural resources or just a great addition to any trapping book collection.

Below are swatches of the fur that is used in this book!